
Tips and stories about loans, real estate, and money 🧐

Историята със свинефермата

Предоставените от нас факти, подкрепени с документи, не бяха взети предвид в публикациите в своята цялост

Financing 2023年12月20日

Бърза промяна, велики концерти: историята на Антоанета с Лено

"Останах изумена, че ме одобриха за 1 час, съдействаха ми, когато ми се налагаше и нито за момент не ми се наложи да губя време в събиране на непотребни документи.“

Financing 2023年11月30日
Return on interest

Return on interest

Rumyana received back 11,500 BGN from Leno, after regularly paying off her loan.

Financing 2023年10月31日
The Business vs. Covid-19

The Business vs. Covid-19

How a family business managed to defeat the pandemic with Leno's help.

Financing 2021年11月9日
On the road to success

On the road to success

"I didn’t waste a minute waiting in line because the processing of documents is completely remote."

Financing 2021年9月17日
A new beginning for the Nikolovi family

A new beginning for the Nikolovi family

How Leno extended a hand to a family caught in the vicious cycle of payday loans.

Financing 2021年8月24日
The long-awaited refinancing

The long-awaited refinancing

A family trusted Leno, thanks to the speed and more flexible conditions.

Financing 2021年8月12日
To keep your childhood, family home

To keep your childhood, family home

How a family trusted Leno and was able to provide education for their son and keep their home.

Financing 2021年7月30日
To pursue your business dream

To pursue your business dream

How Leno gave a new beginning to a mother and her son and helped them pursue their dreams.

Financing 2021年7月12日
18 reasons to borrow from Leno

18 reasons to borrow from Leno

At Leno, we believe that the financial system should work equally for everyone. That is why we create financial solutions for the people and businesses that don’t have access to bank financing.

Financing 2021年5月3日
How Leno makes lending possible?

How Leno makes lending possible?

The company with Japanese investors provides mortgage-backed loans to people and businesses.

Financing 2021年3月21日
Leno launches a new loan product for corporate clients

Leno launches a new loan product for corporate clients

Thanks to the new loan product, corporate clients can borrow up to EUR 2.5 million.

Financing 2021年2月15日